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Weave a Quilt with Me!


Available LIVE OR ON ZOOM for your guild! 

NO SEWING MACHINES needed, only a spirit of adventure! In this playful workshop, you’ll weave with fabric strips and ribbons, to make a Skinny quilt/table runner, wall hanging or art quilt, album cover, pillow top, Christmas stocking, or project of any size. Along the way, you'll really hone your design skills, which you'll apply to everything you do. I'll share lots of ways to combine weavings, quilt and finish the edges of your fabulous, orginal piece after the class ends. 

"Honestly, this was as good as any in-person workshop. The pace was perfect. The instructions and videos, excellent. The breakout rooms to get personal guidance, also excellent. Oh, and sharing the experience with my friends was very much a joy during these pandemic times." -- Dawn C., Four County Quilt Guild of Mt. Airy MD

Click here for a flyer with supply list to distribute to members of your guild. Entice them to enroll in the workshop! 
Class Supply List:

First, choose a color palette for your creation to match the décor 

where it will go. Make sure you have similar and complementary colors in li

ght, medium, and dark values. Then collect:

*Scraps and/or fat eighths or fat quarters of fabrics in your chosen colors—at least 8 different ones

*Various ribbons--satin ribbons are lovely for shine, grosgrain gives great texture, and metallics such as gold and silver are great for zing! 

*Optional trims: rickrack for whimsy, and/or braided flat trims in colors to match and contrast 

*2 yards of any old fabric for a padded work surface (neutral fabric won't distract; this yardage could be used for your backing) 

*1 yard of paper-backed, heavy-duty fusible web, 17” wide (I recommend heavy-duty Pellon Wonder-Under #725, but avoid sticky types like Steam-a-Seam)

*Basic rotary cutting supplies
*Pins and pin cushion

*Fabric-cutting scissors

Optional in class, one or two for in-person workshops: Iron and ironing surface. At home: Big Boards or large felt pads are terrific for this technique, but any table with padding will do.


Thanks to Eleanor for an energizing workshop on a gray day!  Lots of sunshine and color on my screen from all participants! btw:  The breakout rooms were a great way to work. – Kay, Four-County Quilt Guild, MD
I’ve finished my tablerunner from your class. I love it! I usually don’t finish class projects so this is a big deal and a compliment to you and your technique! I thought it sounded like fun and it was! - Kathy S, Chisholm Trail Quilt Guild, TX
I REALLY enjoyed your workshop. The timing, the details, and the opportunity to share with each other helped make the Zooming A-OK. I enjoyed being in your company and your patience in answering all questions. And, your sense of design is a wonder to behold. -- Mollie T., Rochester, NY


Main Line Quilters, whose members live west of Philly (on what's called the Main Line), made weaving with me the Main Event of their afternoon on Jan. 10, 2025...






Spent a lovely morning on Zoom with the Evening Stars Quilters (NY), and each weaver was a Star!


Down by the Bay, with the Bayside Quilters (Eastern Shore, MD) in person.






Pax vobiscum/peace go with you was the motto for the Pax River Quilters of Lexington Park, MD. An in-person workshop!








Had a friendly workshop with the Friendship Star Quilters and all the weavers were stars!

The Fairfield chapter of Quilters Unlimited of Virginia had a field day with this technique!

Arlene, thanks for sending me this pic of you  and your fabulous pillow!

< Arlene, thanks for sending me this pic       of you and your fabulous pillow!






A PLUM of a weaving workshop with the Beachplum Quilters of the Jersey Shore (plus friends)--in person!











Plenty of individual guidance and group support in my weaving workshop on Zoom! The latest ones here:

Crazy Quilt Quilters Guild of the Lehigh Valley, PA, PLUS intrepid, independent participants, April 6, 2022

Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild, in and around Boulder, CO, March 18, 2022









  Completed woven valance by Joy Brecht

   of the Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild







Cumberland Valley Quilt Association, in and around Franklin, Tennessee, November 2, 2021






Chisholm Trail Quilt Guild, in and around Austin Texas: Oct. 6, 2021

Glendale Quilt Guild, Sept. 11, 2021

Arizona Quilters' Guild, morning and afternoon classes--April, 2021

Check out what April Small did with her weaving after the class ended! "Yule" produce results that are a big, beautiful success, too!


Mississauga Quilters'Guild


Victoria BC Quilt Guild, October 3, 2020

Pillow by Nancy Doherty, Victoria Quilters Guild: innovative diagonal weave!


Back when we had workshops together, take inspiration from nearly 500 unique creations in process; some folks shared the final result with me, too:

In Rockville, MD, the Nimble Fingers Quilters lived up to their name! See the tote bag Kim made as soon as she got home (above right, and first pic below). And check out the wonderful weaving Nancy turned out (second and third pics below).






Wilt thou weave, Wiltwyck Quilt Guild of Kingston, NY? You certainly did!





Berks Quilters' Guild in Leesport, PA, bucked tradition, much to their surprise and delight!










      Christa's Christmas Stocking




The work of the PennRose Quilters of Nazareth, PA came out smelling like roses!








I can honestly state that the Garden State Quilters of New Jersey wove extremely successful pieces.





The Pieced Together Quilters in Bridgewater, NJ had a peacefully productive workshop weaving together!




Wait'll you SEE what the GeneSEE Valley Quilt Club of Rochester, NY wove!







The Undercover Quilters went OVER and above!









Rebecca's Reel Quilters reeled in a really interesting group of woven designs:





 Many members and guests of the Christian Compassion Quilters in West Philly composed woven quilts using African-design fabrics, bold patterns, and bright colors:











Ocean Waves Quilt Guild's work made a big splash!










 Modern weaving by the Colonial Quilters of Bethlehem, PA!






The Nimble Thimble Quilt Club of Johnson County, Indiana, wove with nimble fingers and not even a thimble-full of trepidation.









The Valley Quilters of Green Valley, AZ created valleys and plains, and criss-crossing fields of color!






Ladybug Quilters of Newark Delaware took the technique and flew with it!






Quilt Company East in Pittsburgh wove fabric strips and ribbons east and west, north and south!





I LOVE what Love Apples Quilters of New Jersey made in my workshop!




Whoa! Marjorie Shoemaker sent me pics of her finished piece! Eileen Mannion quilted it.  










MAQ got the knack! The Moorestown Area Quilters (Mt. Laurel, NJ) included experienced and newbie weavers.








The Salt Creek Quilters, just west of Chicago, seasoned their projects with plenty of color and flair!






New tricks with strips was the M.O. for the New Braunfels Area Quilters, in Hill Country, Texas.





Psst: Program Chair Louann Fisher is shown above, flanked by the samples she made before the workshop, to show her quilting sisters some varied inspiration!

 Hi, ho: Each weaver of the Arapahoe County Quilters in Colorado developed her own techniques--and taught me a thing or two!







Just 4 hours after their workshop, the Courthouse Quilters held court at the guild meeting with their woven masterpieces:








Several members of the Arlington, Virginia chapter of Quilters Unlimited demonstrated unlimited enthusiasm and determination. They went right home from the workshop and continued working on their weaving projects. Show 'n' Tell at the guild meeting featured many pieces well on the way to completion, as you can see from the Halloween and Christmas Skinny Quilts below.











Two chapters of the Pomegranate Guild had a fruitful morning of weaving!







Arlene Spector shared the previous weaving in its finished glory, quilted by Ellen Manson, embroidered and embellished by Arlene. I'm moony eyed over it!


The Ohio Valley Quilters' Guild went under and Over and above!




See what wonderful weavings came out of the Quilt Guild Of The Villages (Florida):






Bayside Quilters of the eastern shore of Maryland sure came up with some rich "tapestries"!






Program Chair Nita and I felt like yelling BINGO! when we found ways to incorporate the blocks she brought in, either as overlays, or folded into three-dimensional prairie points.



 Customers at the Inspire Sewing & Quilting shop in Plant City, FL were inspired to weave wonderful works!

 Lynn and her sister run a shop that's fresh and homey!

  Sue, aka Mary Englebreit?

Betsye goes bold  Pam S.   Peg--Are you thinking spring?

  Diane dares to bring in rust velvet   Donna rocks her stripes

Lynn had a bit of time left after helping her daughters  Erika's work has a subtle sophistication well beyond her years. 

 Ciera likes her work hot and spicy

Cindy departed the parallel paradigm!   Angles! by Cindy


Hoowee, the Chugach Mt. Quilters of Alaska wove some aMAZEing pieces of art!

Tammi--such an angel, notice the wings! So cool how Tammi cut up, rearranged, and finished her Skinny quilt...

So cool how Tammi cut up, rearranged, and finished her Skinny quilt as shown above!






Nice, Mary, but you have to actually weave those weft strips over and under! Gonna be a stunner when it's a done-er!

Check out some of the fabulous work in process by customers of the Cozy Quilt Shop in El Cajon, CA:


Here I am admiring how Janeen chooses just a few brights to add contrast to her dark and rich combination...smokin'! Meanwhile, Sandy adds just a few black prints to "ground" her explosion of sherbety tones, many with cheery cherry motifs. Mary Englebreit, get a load of this!


Sandi cleverly used just one piece of fabric, slit vertically into various widths, for the entire warp, then wove different strips across. So, the batik floral design in the warp fabric peeks in and out the weft strips, and your eye naturally completes the partially concealed lines of those florals! Cool, huh? 


Marcos plans to combine the piece he created in my Nine Patch workshop from the previous day with his woven quilt, so he's using a complementary palette of fabrics.



From the gitgo at time of registration, Missy, Hulda, and Barbara planned a seasonal theme together. (I trust their woven table runners will be done and on the table by July 4th --- and I do mean 2013)! But EVERYBODY shared and swapped fabric and ribbons, in addition to supplementing their stash for the class with luscious fat quarters, jelly roll strips, and scrap box goodies from the Cozy Quilt Shop floor.

Everyone in this class: send me a jpeg of your finished piece along with your mailing address, and I'll post the design here and send you a complimentary copy of my book, Unforgettable Tote Bags!

Check out some of the fabulous work in process by customers of the Quilted Forest in Salem, OR:





More testimonials:

It's been weeks, and our members are still talking about how great your program and the workshop were!--Lorraine, Ocean Waves Quilt Guild, Lewes, DE 

I love this, and wanna keep doing this technique--you've given us so many great ideas to use!--Susan, Moorestown Area Quilters of NJ

I thoroughly enjoyed the weaving workshop with Elly. Can't wait to finish the project! I learned so much about color theory as we went along. What a fun day!--Ellen, Pomegranate Guild, Masorot Chapter/Greater Philadelphia
