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My Favorite Things--A Poem for the New Year!


Looking back at the last decade, here's the stuff that got my hubby and me through it!   

Sing along, unless of course you're too darn cool!


Family and friends giving big, warm embraces

Beach chairs with drink holders, rolling suitcases,

Flowers and foliage spring or fall brings…

These are a few of my favorite things.


Bruce Springsteen crooning his old, bad-ass ballads

Bread freshly baked and unusual salads

Cousin Mark's chocolate confections with nuts

Ready agreement; no ifs, ands, or buts!


TiVO and GPS, jpegs and Google

Post-tag-sale freebies that go beyond frugal

Specs within reach and on top of my head,

Stitching on fabric with bright, glitzy thread.


When the cold snaps,
When the wind stings,
When the kinfolk feud,

I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't come unglued.


Fantasy baseball and buffalo nickels,

Donuts and cookies, egg salad with pickles,

Globetrots through cities, exploring on hikes,

These are the things that my dear hubby likes!


Drama and farce in theatrical settings

Bird on a shoulder and dogs thrilled by pettings

Chatting with Sam on a trip or by cell

Puzzles and challenges Carl thinks are swell.


When your butt's kicked,
When your luck stinks,
When it's all a chore,
It's good to remember that most people find

Perpetual cheer a bore!


Happy holidays and all good things in the new year!

