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Love Letter Pennants



What you'll need:

  • Medium weight cotton fabric: Two 9" x 10" rectangles for each lettered pennant -- same color, different prints and solids; strip of contrast color fabric for garland binding and ties, 1-1/2" wide and piecing strips to obtain total length: 10" for every letter pennant, plus 20" for ties
  • Felt to contrast with pennant fabric: one 9" x 12" sheet for up to 5 letters, two for a longer name

What to do:

1. Make pattern: on freezer paper or large sheet of plain paper, mark a 9" x 10" rectangle, with 9" sides at top and bottom. Mark a point halfway across bottom edge, and use a pencil to join that point to upper left and upper right corners. Cut out triangle.

2. Use pattern to cut two triangles for each lettered pennant.










3. Place matching triangles together with right sides facing and edges flush. Stitch along long sides; leave the top

open. Clip the bottom corner, bring pennant to the right side, and press.















4. Line wrong side of pennants up in a row with their top corners overlapping by 1/4". Leaving 10" at either end, position garland strip along top edges with right sides facing. Stitch, 3/8" from raw edges. Press strip upward. Fold opposite long edge 3/8" to the wrong side and bring over the raw edge to the right side; pin in place. For ties at either end, fold edges 3/8" to the wrong side and fold in half. Working from the right side, zigzag-stitch over garland binding and ties.


5. Print alphabet letter patterns, free on this website: Block Letters or Top-Heavy Letters.

   Cut out the letters you need. Pin to felt, and cut out.           Arrange on pennants. Secure with top-stitching OR              close zigzag-stitching (satin stitching). ###


  Some examples for inspiration!




























