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Country Living's Country Quilts

Country Living's Country Quilts

Country Living’s Country Quilts (consultant, co-author), Hearst/William Morrow, 1992; reprinted in 2003 in soft-cover. 208 pages.

For quiltmakers and quilt lovers alike, this best-selling tribute to the quilt is a feast for the eyes, and brimming with inspiration. Interspersed throughout the book are 20 step-by-step how-to’s for creating classic and unusual designs in patchwork or appliqué. Eleanor Levie has culled the best photographs from years of Country Living magazines in order to showcase…

  • The legacy of quilts
  • Decorating and living with quilts
  • Caring for quilts
  • The art of quiltmaking
  • Amish quilts, Curiosity quilts, Crazy quilts
  • Uncommon rooms for quilts
  • And lots more!

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